Please join us a warm welcome awaits you
The meeting ID for Zoom is 853 945 3059
Welcome to Skeabost Free Church of Scotland Continuing website. We would love you come and visit us. We would be delighted to share with you our love for Jesus Christ.

What we believe
As a congregation of the Free Church of Scotland Continuing, we belong to the Presbyterian and Reformed family of churches.
As such we are committed to the Biblical truths that have been carefully articulated in the Westminster Confession of Faith, to which our leaders all subscribe.
We believe that the worship of God is the most significant and wonderful activity human beings can engage in.
Consequently we seek to pursue worship that is pleasing to God, is saturated with an atmosphere of reverence and awe in his presence, and derives its distinctive shape and pattern from God's own inspired word.
Because we believe that God speaks in Scripture we sing the Bible, pray the Bible, read the Bible, and preach the Bible.
Services are held in the main Church:
Morning services are at 12:00 and evening services are at 6:00 PM
Wednesday night service is 7:00 PM
Saturday prayer meeting on alternative Saturdays at 7:00PM
A Gaelic service is held in the hall on the 1st Lord's Day of every month at 11AM

Daily Bible reading